Tweyanze School of Excellence

Our Mission
Tweyanze school of excellence restores the lost hope and faith in God through ministering to the children, providing bible studies and music dance and drama, providing a better life through providing shelter for the homeless and educating them.
Our desire is to give an opportunity to any child who wishes to study regardless of their back ground, religion or age. Most of the pupils are children of our neighborhood ladies.
Our Vision
To raise the next generation of God fearing leaders by empowering them through bible studies, counselling, teaching them to be grateful to God and nurturing talent.

About Us
Tweyanze School of excellence is located in Bunga-Kawuku, off Njuki Festo road near Yellow Haven Lodge.
It all began with a homeschooling program during the Covid19 lockdown. We started the homeschool because we saw that our children in the Tweyanze Happy Souls troupe were diverting back to the behaviors that they had before they joined the dance troupe. We decided to start homeschooling them to keep their minds active and concentrate on academic purposes. We hired two teachers that taught them throughout and gave them examinations to see where they are in their academics. The children really enjoyed being in the homeschool and were back to where they were before the lockdown.
When the schools were opened in January, the children had grown physically and they feared going back to school for classes with younger children. They had missed a lot of school during the lockdown and this is when we decided to start a school here at home, where they would feel comfortable studying and where they would not feel bullied or feel out of place and were fed breakfast and lunch. This is when Tweyanze School of Excellence was brought together.
T.S.E. is a Christian-based school where the children are taught biblical foundations. We have bible study and praise and worship and the children are growing in the Lord.
T.S.E started on the 17th, of January 2022 with a number of 56 pupils, and by the end of the first term, we had a total number of 118 children.
With God’s grace, we started our second term and our numbers increased that as of now we have a total number of 150 pupils with a break down as follows:
Level | Total |
Baby | 17 |
Middle | 15 |
Top | 20 |
P.1 | 12 |
P.2 | 23 |
P.3 | 12 |
P.4 | 19 |
P.5 | 14 |
P.6 | 3 |
P.7 | 14 |
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7144 Park Glen Drive
Fairview, TN 37062
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