"LIFE", Sustaining LIFE".

Our dream has always been to buy land and eventually build a compound on it for the ministry. We have had some wonderful donations, but this ministry has been mostly self-funded, therefore, we have remained constant but small. But then God stepped in. It turns out we were on our timing, not God's. Big difference! Once we realized that, the gates started opening.
It's hard to form the words because it still doesn't seem real, but my mom died. My world changed completely. First the pandemic hit and then she was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She's my everything and I was hers as well. I hadn't been able to go to Uganda for two years because I wouldn't and couldn't leave Mom. After mom was gone, my only obligation was to my family here and in Uganda. I decided to go over for two months from April to June and be with my family, my hearts, and basically lick my wounds.
While I was planning the trip I asked Justine and Fabian to look for some land, maybe just an acre. Well, they found 3 acres of land for a very reasonable price in Buwama, Uganda. I decided to honor Mom and used some of my inheritance to purchase the land in her memory. The person who sold us the land had another 3 acres and would sell it to us for the same price. It was just a stones throw down the road from our piece (literally) and absolutely perfect for the future site of the Ministry. Location, location, location. This piece is triangle in shape and sits right in front of the "Fork in the road". To the left is Lake Victoria Beach, and to the right is where they are building a Zoo. A ZOO!
Someone had planted maize all over both pieces of land. That happens over there. They see a piece of land that seems nobody has bothered with and use it for crops. When we bought the land, we got the maize. Once we harvested it, we had it processed into Posho for food and we also gave the people that planted it their fare share.
We fenced in the land with a gate to keep our animals in and predators and unwanted visitors out. We also dug a 66 foot well by hand, installed a pump and a generator. The water is pure and clean. It does not need to be boiled before use like most of the water in Uganda.
I invite you to visit the Gallery for photos and video's. We have a Shop on the website with crafts and items our ladies have made by hand. We met with our ladies and bought the items from them at a fair price. Every penny from the sale of these beautiful crafts goes right back into the ministry, straight to Uganda.